Thursday, 16 February 2012


And so we sleep in a fog of dis-ease, but because we are 'making choices' we believe we are exercising free will, and therefore must be awake.... and if we are awake, the brokenness and struggle we see everywhere must be real.  It is this inability to see our own blindness that keeps us in the dark.
kermit 2
In confusing 'making choices' with Free Will we ‘see’ what this aspect of mind (call it ego) directs us to perceive.  This is our world now, and there appears no alternative.  
Instead of our mind being a tool we use (like any other human faculty) it now assumes the role of C.E.O. of our life, and the intellect (now attributed with wisdom) becomes the straw God to which we all bow.  But the mind has now taken on an autonomy that it is not cut out to handle.  Crippled with the burden of having to first define who we are, and then run our life trying to uphold and protect this sickly self-perception, it can never rest.  This is suffering.
And so it is that, as adults, we so rarely do things solely for the joy of Self expression.  And when we do, it is with this dark backdrop and in measured doses, because the mind (now running the show) protests that it is too risky, too irresponsible, too impractical to even consider as a way of living.  All bullshit!

Free Will

This choice, between what mind serves - Joy or fear, is Free Will.  Change our mind and all our thoughts change with it, as does the purpose of everything we see.  It is us that provides the meaning to our experience of life.
But for the brave ones who do exercise Free Will, whatever they touch with that ends up being imbued with a sense of beauty and timelessness that can quite literally stop us in our tracks as it touches the same still place within us, from where it came.  Whether it is the appearance of David , mellifluous words that speak the truth, a piece of computer code that makes something difficult elegantly simple, or just the willingness to drop pretences and meet someone in the space we normally hold between us, this is the power and gift of true art.

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