Tuesday, 13 March 2012

You Don't Know Jack!

Oh, what I wouldn't do for a Sourdough Jack, or one of those grilled deli sandwiches right now, with some awesome JITB fries, and ranch dressing. Maybe a GINORMOUS Dr. Pepper or Oreo milkshake to wash it down? Yes, please. Plus, how can you not love the JITB mascot, Jack?! You know those portraits of Jack in the restaurants that have the plaque that says 'Our Founder'? Well, you can order them from the company, and yes, I bought one for Chris for his birthday a few years back. :-D It's pretty much the coolest thing ever. Chris is also drooling over the Jack halloween costume, he really wants a big Jack head, I'm pretty sure he'd wear it everywhere if he could.
 I've had Jack on my list of nail art ideas for what seems like ever. I actually had to go back through my nail designs to make sure I hadn't done them yet, because I couldn't imagine that I hadn't. Well, I didn't...until now. I originally planned to make this manicure a progression of the different versions of Jack over the years, but I decided to stick with the current Jack that we all know and love.

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