Wednesday 29 February 2012

Say good-bye to both smelly and cold feet!

Beautiful feet are important at every age, but taking care of our feet normally takes a back seat when compared to other beauty treatments. Foot care can be simple and easy, and relaxing. We will tell you which foot care routines matter most at what time of your life... and let you in on some simple that will help you keep your feet healthy, soft and looking great!In your twenties You probably won’t give your feet much thought, but still, there are some thing.
Do you love traveling or visiting friends in different cities? Then make sure to take the new Elastoplast Pocket Pack. It is a life-saver for for feet on the go just fill it with your favorite blister plasters to save trip. 
You are likely to have a very active lifestyle,
are probably busy in your job and maybe even with a family:
You most likely lead a life on the go – and are probably more concerned with your next career step than your feet. Still, you should care for them regularly now, as neglecting them might cause problems later on. Because beauty routines for you should be fuss-free, go for products that are effective and offer simple solutions.
If you are in your forties... 
Your feet will need more attention, as sadly, feet tend to get drier with age.
Don’t give calluses a chance to build up, by taking care of your feet regularly 
 Have professional pedicures done regularly
Foot Massange
Preferably in the mornings AND evenings, after your shower and before you go to bed. Depending on how dry your feet are, use either which is a great product with intense moisturizing properties, which will deal with extremely callused skin and even cracked heels. You might want to alternate between both: Velvet Feet in the mornings, Repair and Care at night.

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